What our customers say
" Snake River Audio Signature Cables - Stuart these SRA interconnects and signature bi wire cables are superb, bass solidity, tonality, timing, its all there. Instruments like sax are so organic, simply breathtaking! Allied to your fast friendly service here's one happy customer. "
" Townshend Allegri + PreAmp - I have just connected and briefly tried a few 'snippets' with all of the three inputs I use at the moment and can only say I am astonished - the performance is nothing short of superb. I have tried some 'Gare du Nord' via MC XX-2/Hadcock, Nick Drake via CDi and Leonard Cohen and Vivaldi FLACs from PC. All seems to work and it sounds incredible straight from the box "
" VooDoo Amati Cables - Many thanks for your reply. I absolutely agree that Voodoo cables are exceptional. It is good that you will be getting them out to a wider audience and hopefully this will result in increased interest (and sales) across the UK. I would like to think that after 20 years of owning Nordost I know what to look out for. "