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    VooDoo Infinity Digital Review Link - Neil Gader - Absolute Sound issue 284

    • Designed for DACs, CD Players, Streamers & Preamps
    • Low Noise #10 AWG Cryo Treated Silver Plated Copper Conductors
    • Neutral Tonal Balance
    • Accurate Dynamic Control
    • PowerPhase Gold Plated Tellurium Copper AC Plug & IEC Connectors
    • Velocity-Matched Teflon Dielectric Insulation
    • 100% Copper Braid Shield Coverage
    • Available in 3 ft to 10 ft length

    The VooDoo Infinity Digital Powercord is especially suitable for digital source components and preamps, where AC noise suppression is essential in the power cord design for a dead-quiet background that will reproduce inner musical detail, controlled micro-dynamics and an opaque background for a refined musical presentation. The Infinity Digital is built with the cryogenically treated Gold-plated Tellurium Copper VooDoo PowerPhase IEC Connector and AC Plug. Each strand within the lay of the conductors is individually insulated with velocity-matched Teflon dielectric insulation to suppress AC noise caused by micro-arcing within the individual strands of the conductors. The Infinity Digital is 100% protected from invasive EMI and RFI with heavy-gauge copper braid shielding. All of the wire and connectors used to build the Infinity are cryogenically treated in our custom cold fusion deep-immersion process at -315o Fahrenheit (-192o Celsius) to structurally align and fuse the metallurgical molecular structure of the conductive metals for optimal sonic performance. For the purpose of suppressing electromagnetic interference each conductor is insulated with Teflon dielectric and wrapped in a secondary dielectric jacket of composite polyethylene to shield against invasive EMI. The power cord body is sheathed with double layers of abrasion resistant mesh sleeve for maximum durability and optimal flexibility