KUZMA RD Ultrasonic Record Cleaning kit

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  • Description

    RD Ultrasonic Record Cleaning kit

    This is the best , very simple and reliable way how to clean records with ultrasonics. If something goes wrong with ultrasonic cleaner it can be easy fix by local dealer.

    The RD  kit  comprises of  frame with motor , supporting legs, spindle for holding records, record spacers, a clamp for fixing records on the spindle and a stand for drying records. Most parts are made from stainless steel.  In the kit small bottles of isoproply alcohol and wetting agent are also included as well  as a  carbon fibre cleaning  brush and DC power supply for motor.  Kit assembly requires only 20 minutes and a meduim size Philips screwdriver.  RD kit is available since December 2014.

    Read about RD kit in  brochure and instruction manual.  

    Since 2015 there is  revisited instruction manual. 


    Ultimate approach to have cleanest records could be :

    - on used or dirty records  first clean  with wet vacuum cleaning process  or use two ultrasonic cleaners- one for dirty records  and second for clean 

    - use ultrasonic cleaner with suitable liquid  ( if you have option use also 80 kHz )

    - use second ultrasonic cleaner  with just distllled water-optional

    - use vacuum cleaner to clean and dry records again with liquid which contains minimal wetting  or washing agent

    You might skip some steps, but let us know your experiences!


    Read this artricle: https://thevinylpress.com/timas-diy-rcm-follow-up-2-compelling-changes-improved-results/

    Latest tips: 160928:

    After extensive use of ultrasonic cleaners we concluded that specially designed  washing additives provided by manufacturers are not  good for cleaning records. Records sounded much more noisier and maybe even better, but only after wash with distilled water the noise floor was lowered again. So more testing should be done-but do last rinse with suggested liqud by us.

    80kHz- we use Elmasonic P 120H- 37/80 kHz ultrasonic cleaner and we suggest for best performance to use first 37kHz( 15 minutes) and then switch to 80kHz ( 10 minutes). This even further increase transparency and opennes  of the sound on LP. Higher is the frequency shorter is the wavelength and betterr  are cleaned modulated grooves with higher frequencies as well are smaller particles removed out of grooves.

    Latest Reviews:

    RD KIT review in HIFI PLUS- UK

    HIGHEND web site 2016

    POSITIVE FEEDBACK 2018: link

    MPN: 15024